Friday, June 28, 2013

Seesaw Science: The Hammer-Ruler Trick

ruler hammer balance bsh

Well balanced?: This tricky balancing act might look improbable, but with a little help from physics you will learn how it works. Image: George Retseck

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Key Concepts
Center of mass

Ever wonder how balancing toys work? Simple toys that entertain by precariously balancing were popular in the Victorian era. These seemingly gravity-defying curiosities can rock back and forth at the edge of a table but remain relatively stable.

But how do they balance? The secret lies in a heavy but visually nondescript counterweight attached to the toy. Our eyes are drawn more immediately to the large, ornamental part of the toy that depicts a person or animal rocking back and forth on a tiny pivot point. On its own, this part of the toy looks unstable, which is precisely why such toys continue to be so intriguing?they make little intuitive sense; to an onlooker, it appears that the larger element should send the entire contraption off-balance.

For this fun experiment, you won't have to go searching for any century-old antique toys. All you'll need is a hammer, a ruler and a thick rubber band.

An object's center of mass is a unique point where that object's mass is centered. For simple, symmetrical objects with equally distributed mass (such as a ruler), the center of mass lies in the object's geometric center (which would be just at the six-inch mark for a one-foot ruler).

For more irregularly shaped objects?such as a person on a bicycle?you might be more familiar with the term "center of gravity," which refers to a point on an object that's identified by averaging together all the gravitational forces acting on that object. Don't let this confuse you! For our purposes, it's fine to think of these two concepts as the same because Earth's gravity produces a relatively uniform downward pull on small objects near its surface. Think of it this way: If there's more mass in one region of an object than another (say, a person on top of a bike rather than the bike's wheels), then gravity applies more force to that region.

Let's apply this concept to two children sitting on opposite ends of a seesaw. They create a simple mechanical system consisting of a lever (the seesaw's plank), a fulcrum (the point about which the plank can tilt) and a couple of weights (the children). If the two children weigh the same, the system's center of mass is located in center of the seesaw's plank and directly above the fulcrum. Put a heavier child on one end of the seesaw, and you've shifted the system's center of mass away from the fulcrum. The greater torque (or force) that gravity applies to the more massive (and thus heavier) side of the system pulls the larger child to the ground while lifting the smaller child into the air.

? Hammer
? 12-inch ruler (plastic works, but wood is preferable)
? Thick rubber band
? String (optional)
? Tape (optional)

? First, pick up your ruler and balance it lying lengthwise on your index finger. Try using the six-inch mark on your ruler as your balancing point?this is roughly the location of the ruler's center of mass, and you'll notice it's at the middle of the ruler. This is because our ruler is an object of uniform density and is shaped in such a way that it doesn't have a heavier or lighter end.
? Take your ruler and lay it flat on a table or desk. How many inches on the ruler can you nudge over the edge of the table before it falls off? Think about our hypothetical seesaw from earlier. You should find that once you nudge the ruler's center of mass over the table's edge (the fulcrum), gravity applies more torque to the more massive side of the system than the other, dragging it over the edge and onto the floor.
? Now, try to identify the center of mass on your hammer. If you hold your hammer lengthwise, can you balance it by placing your index finger beneath the point of the hammer located halfway along its length? Probably not! In fact, you should find that the hammer's head is much heavier than its handle. We can infer that the hammer's center of mass is located somewhere closer to its head.
? The goal now is to use our materials to build a new mechanical system with a center of mass located as close to the 0-inch tip of the ruler as possible. (Hint: our hammer will act as a counterweight.) Take another look at how classic Victorian balance toys are structured. Knowing what you've learned about where the hammer's center of mass is, where do you think the hammer is going to go when we build our new system?
? Loop your rubber band over your hammer so that it hangs somewhere near the middle. (Depending on how smooth the hammer handle is, you may want to affix the rubber band to the handle with tape. If your rubber band is too stretchy, you can use a loop of string approximately three inches in diameter instead).
? Loop the rubber band over your ruler. This end of the loop should hang near the 2-inch mark on the ruler. The end of the hammer's handle should intersect and form an acute angle with the ruler at around the 8-inch mark.
? Place the end of the ruler that starts with zero near the edge of the table. Does it balance? Try altering the position of the hammer's head relative to the tip of the ruler. With some careful adjustments, you can tweak the system so that its center of mass is located at the very tip of the ruler.
? Once you've gotten your system to balance, try nudging the 0-inch end of the ruler closer and closer to edge of the table. By doing so, you're moving the system's center of mass progressively closer to the fulcrum and, if you're careful, you can produce a dramatic effect by getting your system to balance on a mere sliver of the table's edge.
? Extra: If you want to create an even cooler visual effect and make your system look more like a Victorian balance toy, place a very light stuffed animal on the 12-inch end of the ruler. (A stuffed monkey that hangs onto the end of the ruler with clasped Velcro hands is a crowd favorite.)


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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Plane with wing walker crashes at Ohio show; 2 die

This photo provided provided WHIO TV shows a plane after it crashed Saturday, June 22, 2013, at the Vectren Air Show near Dayton, Ohio. There was no immediate word on the fate of the pilot, wing walker or anyone else aboard the plane. No one on the ground was hurt. (AP Photo/WHIO-TV)

This photo provided provided WHIO TV shows a plane after it crashed Saturday, June 22, 2013, at the Vectren Air Show near Dayton, Ohio. There was no immediate word on the fate of the pilot, wing walker or anyone else aboard the plane. No one on the ground was hurt. (AP Photo/WHIO-TV)

(AP) ? A plane carrying a wing walker crashed Saturday at an air show and exploded into flames, killing the pilot and stunt walker instantly, authorities said.

Dayton International Airport spokeswoman Linda Hughes and Ohio State Highway Patrol Lt. Anne Ralston confirmed the deaths to The Associated Press.

The crash happened at around 12:45 p.m. at the Vectren Air Show near Dayton. No spectators were injured.

The show has been canceled for the remainder of the day. The names of those killed weren't immediately released, but a video posted on WHIO-TV showing the flight and crash identified the performer as wing walker Jane Wicker. A schedule posted on the event's website also had Wicker scheduled to perform.

The video shows the plane turn upside-down as Wicker sits on top of the wing. The plane then tilts and crashes to the ground, exploding into flames as spectators scream.

"All of a sudden I heard screaming and looked up and there was a fireball," spectator Stan Thayer of Wilmington, Ohio, told WHIO.

Another spectator, Shawn Warwick of New Knoxville, told the Dayton Daily News that he was watching the flight through binoculars.

"I noticed it was upside-down really close to the ground. She was sitting on the bottom of the plane," he said. "I saw it just go right into the ground and explode."

Wicker's website says she responded to a classified ad from the Flying Circus Airshow in Bealeton, Va., in 1990, for a wing-walking position, thinking it would be fun. Her full-time job was as a budget analyst for the Federal Aviation Administration, according to her website.

She told WDTN-TV in an interview this week that her signature move was hanging underneath the plane's wing by her feet and sitting on the bottom of the airplane while it's upside-down.

"I'm never nervous or scared because I know if I do everything as I usually do, everything's going to be just fine," she told the station.

Wicker wrote on her website that she had never had any close calls.

"What you see us do out there is after an enormous amount of practice and fine tuning, not to mention the airplane goes through microscopic care. It is a managed risk and that is what keeps us alive," she wrote.

In 2007, veteran stunt pilot Jim LeRoy was killed at the Dayton show when his biplane crashed and burned.

Organizers were presenting a trimmed-down show and expected smaller crowds at Dayton after the Air Force Thunderbirds and other military participants pulled out this year because of federal budget cuts.

The air show, one of the country's oldest, usually draws around 70,000 people and has a $3.2 million impact on the local economy. Without military aircraft and support, the show expected attendance to be off 30 percent or more.

Associated Press


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Friday, June 21, 2013

Weston committee seeks Sportsperson of the Year | The Weston ...

SPORTS-boosterThe Fairfield County Sports Commission?s ninth annual Sports Night awards dinner is Monday, Oct. 21. The commission will recognize 15 Sportspersons of the Year from 15 different county communities, including Weston, as part of the evening.

The Weston Sports Committee is looking for people who had made the most positive impact and contribution to the Weston sports community from September 2012 to August 2013.? Nominees can be athletes of any age, coaches, administrators, parents, and supporters of any type.

The Weston Sports Committee is comprised of the presidents of the town?s primary sports programs (baseball, basketball ball, football, lacrosse, soccer, swimming), plus the head of its adult sport program, the middle school and high school athletic directors, high school boosters club director, chair and director of Parks and Recreation Department, the selectmen, the town?s representative to the Fairfield County Sports Commission, certain members of Parks and Recreation Department and past winners living in Weston.

All nominees will be screened by the committee.?? The town?s nominee will be announced in the Weston Forum around Labor Day.

Last year, Weston?s Sportsperson of the Year nominee was Sibyl Ledwick. She served on the Boards of the Weston Boosters Club and The Weston Lacrosse Club.? She was an advocate, a coach, a fundraiser and a mentor. She ran the WHS Boosters Concession program, which includes the Booster Barn, indoor stands, Relay for Life and the Special Olympics.? She was responsible for raising tens of thousands of dollars for Weston Athletic needs.

Prior Weston winners have been Jon Pressman (adult sports programs), Brian McMahon (president of Weston Lacrosse and Aspetuck Youth Football), Kevin Funk (president of Weston Girls Softball), Paul Scheufele (founder of Weston Lacrosse), Matt Medve (Weston High track and field coach), Marc Butlein (Parks and Recreation member), and Carl Charles (former Weston High athletic director).

Nominations should be made by either emailing a one-page recommendation to? Included in the recommendation should be reasons why the person is deserving of the award, evidence and in support of his/her accomplishments and relationship to the nominee. The deadline is June 30.

For more information about the sports commission visit For more information on the process, call Michael Carter at 227-9595.


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54% of pregnant women use insecticides that are harmful to the fetus, Spanish study shows

June 20, 2013 ? Pregnancy and infancy are the periods of greatest vulnerability to the use of household insecticides. This is one of the findings of the first study of its kind to be carried out in Spain, which concludes that more than half of expectant mothers routinely use these chemical compounds.

Spanish researchers have described the use of domestic pesticides during pregnancy and the first year of life in nearly 2,500 women and children in Sabadell, Guip?zcoa and various areas of Asturias and the Valencian Community.

The study, published in Science of the Total Environment, also considers the socio-demographic and lifestyle factors most strongly linked to the use of these pesticides.

In 2003 and 2008, the authors monitored the women who agreed to take part in the project from the beginning of their pregnancy until birth and during their offspring's first few years of life.

"Pesticides are used in domestic environments to control infestations of insects or other living creatures," explains Sabrina Llop from the Higher Public Health Research Centre (CSISP) in Valencia, the leading author of the paper. "Exposure during pregnancy or infancy proves to have a negative impact on fetal growth and neurological effects, as well as increasing the risk of childhood leukemia," she continues.

The results show that 54% of pregnant women used some kind of insecticide inside the home and 15% made use of a combination of two or three methods.

45% of women used some kind of insecticide in their bedrooms: 5% throughout the whole year, 75% seasonally and 20% on an occasional basis. The most frequently used method in the bedroom was the electric device at 62%.

47% of pregnant women used insecticides in the rest of the house, 7% throughout the whole year, 67% seasonally and 26% occasionally. The most widely used method by women in other areas of the house was insecticide spray at 69%.

2% of women used other kinds of measures to control infestations in their bedrooms and 5% in the rest of the house. These other measures included cockroach traps, powder insecticide and chemical methods such as wave devices. Only 1% of women used insect repellents during pregnancy.

10% of pregnant women used outdoor insecticides, such as in gardens or vegetable plots and yards with plants: 9% every month, 14% every 2-3 months, 20% three times a year and 57% occasionally.

"These results are significant because they enable this information to be used to come up with preventive measures, especially at vulnerable stages of life," Llop affirms.

The less educated, the more pesticides

"Multiparous women, born in Spain, with a lower level of education, who have a garden, whose residence is near crops, and/or from Sabadell or Valencia are the most likely to use household pesticides," Llop asserts.

The use of these pesticides continued during their offspring's first year of life, although 20% of the women stopped using them. Sprays were the method that the participants were most likely to stop using in their bedrooms: 53% during pregnancy and 26% during infancy. In contrast, the use of the electric device remained constant.

Exposure routes

The main ways of being exposed to these substances are inhalation, skin contact and unintentional ingestion. In babies and children, ingestion of contaminated dust in the house is the most significant route of exposure to pesticides in the home.

The authors attribute this to babies spending more time at home and in general wearing fewer clothes than adults. In addition, their breathing zones are closer to the ground, where pesticide residue levels can be higher, and they are more likely to have close contact with plants, grass and other surfaces.

"Fetuses and children are especially vulnerable to pesticide exposure because their detoxification mechanisms and immune systems are not fully developed," Llop concludes.


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Monday, June 17, 2013

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pope urges French lawmakers to go beyond 'ideas of the moment'

By Steve Scherer

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis urged a delegation of French lawmakers on Saturday to avoid following only "fashions and ideas of the moment", when legislating, in an apparent reference to the country's legalization of gay marriage last month.

The law granting gay men and lesbians equality in marriage and adoption has been among the most divisive of President Francois Hollande's first year in office, pitting a predominantly liberal public in mostly Roman Catholic France against traditionalists, the far-right and many churchgoers.

Without making any specific mention of the law, Francis said the church should have a voice in political issues even in staunchly secular France.

"The church would like to offer specific contributions on profound issues ... not only in an anthropological and social circles, but also in political, economic and cultural ones," Francis said, according to a Vatican statement.

Parliamentarians should legislate according to "a spirit, a soul, that does not reflect only the fashions and ideas of the moment", he said.

The passage of the law prompted a massive protest march in Paris and has come to embody wider discontent with Hollande.

The pope met the French delegation of parliamentarians, who are members of a "Friendship Group" with the Vatican, on the same day that thousands took part in Rome's annual "Gay Pride" parade.

One of the men marching in the parade - wearing a pink wig and heart-shaped sunglasses - said gay marriage would never be legal in Rome as it is in Paris.

"The Catholic Church is too powerful in Italy," Massimo Marra told Reuters.

(Additional reporting by Roberto Mignucci; editing by Andrew Roche)


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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Obama: Being a good father isn't easy

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama says there's no substitute for the love and support that fathers provide.

In his weekly Internet and radio address, Obama is wishing Americans a happy Father's Day. He's laments that his own father wasn't around and says he's still working to be a better father.

Obama says being a dad isn't easy for anyone ? gay, straight, grandparent or foster parent. He says he wants to encourage marriage and strong families by reforming child support laws to get more fathers engaged. He says businesses, faith groups and communities have a role to play.

In the Republican address, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee says the Education Department has become like a national school board. He says Republicans have a plan to give state and local authorities more control.



Obama address:

GOP address:


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Hugs And Tears At Lafayette's Last String Orchestra Concert

DNAinfo Chicago:

HUMBOLDT PARK ? It was an emotional 90 minutes, but that was to be expected.

The much-loved Lafayette Elementary School string orchestra performed its final concert for other students and parents Friday afternoon, capping off a long, passionate battle to save the school.

"It's shocking," said parent Rosemary Vega, choking up as she spoke. "I have no more words. We fought and fought and fought to keep this going, something so good for these kids, and it was snatched from under them."

Read the whole story at DNAinfo Chicago

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